How to avoid pickpocket while travelling?

If you have a thirst for adventure, travelling around countries would absolutely be your hobbies. But in many nations, especially developing ones or third world countries, pickpocket happens oftenly. Precautions must be made to secure yourself as well as your properties.
While travelling, you can have fun as much as possible but don’t let your guard down at any moment simply because seconds are what it takes for the thieves to finish their job. Don’t let thieves have any chances to ruin your vacation.
Here are some tips for you to protect yourself from petty crime that may happen to you.

1. Buy an anti-theft bag

If you are traveling to high theft destinations or backpacking, I would highly recommend buying an anti-theft bag/ luggage. It’s built in a way that makes it extremely difficult for others to get into your valuables that you’ll be storing in your bag. Avelon is one of the best anti-theft bags you can buy.

2. Leave valuable stuff at home

Things that you don’t truly need on vacation needs to be left at home. Expensive jewelry is probably the most unnecessary thing people take on vacation. Yes, you want to accessorize and look great in your travel photos.
But you put yourself at an elevated risk of theft because people see you with expensive items and know you probably have other expensive stuff in your bag worth stealing.
Only bring essential valuables, like passports, money, credit cards, and tickets. Leave the rest at home.

3. Avoid putting items in your back pocket

Your back pockets are the easiest targets, so important items, that you absolutely require during your journey, should not be kept there. Keeping expensive and important items in back pockets can make it very easy for someone to steal your possessions.

4. Put the zips in front

While walking, always try to keep the zips of your handbag in the front and not behind you. Do this especially when you are walking in a crowded area, as this will make it hard for a thief to steal items from your bag.

5. Keep your valuables in your hotel room

Having said that, there are times where you may want to keep your valuables in your hotel. If you’re in a city that is known for pickpockets, or you’ll be doing adventurous things, going to the beach, or anything that can make it difficult for you to pay attention to your valuables, consider leaving them in your hotel room.

6. Don’t tell the world you’ve got expensive things

This is sometimes hard for traveling business people or if you’re at a destination wedding and you’re the best man (you hold the ring!) But don’t show the world you have expensive things if you can.
Sometimes you can’t avoid sitting in the lobby with your $2000 Macbook Pro and $1700 DSLR. You gotta upload those photos and use the lobby Wifi. I get it. But besides that, don’t flaunt what you got, or you might draw the wrong attention.

7. Divide your money

When travelling, you should never carry all your money at the same time and in one place. Instead, divide all your cash and credit cards into two or more stashes.
Keep minimum money in your wallet and the rest in a separate location, like in your hotel rooms safe or a secret stash in your bag.

8. Always keep your phones off the table

Smartphones are popular items for pickpockets to target. Many people simply leave their phone on the table while they’re eating or when sitting at a restaurant, which makes it easy for someone to come and snatch it up.

9. Use hidden pockets

Hidden pockets are theft-proof because they tuck into your pant leg easily and are also more comfortable.

10. Use trackers for your computers and cell phones

With your Mac laptop, iPhone or iPad, built in is a “find my iPhone” feature that allows you to remotely track your phone, lock your phone, make it beep annoyingly, or wipe it completely. If somebody does happen to steal your apple device, you aren’t guaranteed to track it down. But know that they can never use your phone while “find my iPhone” is enabled, making it useless to them.
Absolutely take advantage of this free feature from Apple. I don’t know if Android has a built in app for this, but you can easily get one from the Apple iTunes.
This article is summarized by Modoho — a trusted agency in Ho Chi Minh city. If you need any help from a local expertise with free searching services (only landlord have to pay) feel free to contact us. Here is some listing for you:
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I love to write blog for guidance. Hope you enjoy my writing


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